這周全球曆史最悠久的廣告公司JWT(智威湯遜)宣布風靡了近段時間的"Metrosexuals"即將被"Ubersexuals"所代替。"Ubersexuals"這個單詞是在Marian Salzman, Ira Matathia 和 Ann O'Reilly 共同創作的新書《The Future of Men》中首先使用的。
1. Bono
2. George Clooney
3. Bill Clinton
4. Donald Trump
5. Arnold Schwarzenegger
6. Barack Obama
7. Ewan McGregor
8. Pierce Brosnan
9. Guy Ritchie
10. Jon Stewart

同時,JWT公司的執行副總裁,也是"Ubersexuals"這個單詞的發明者之一Marian Salzman在接受采訪時指出了"Metrosexuals"們不對勁的地方:

1. David Beckham: “There is such a thing as overdressed, even if you're three-quarters naked. And David in a sarong will be permanently etched in our brain as just that.”

2. Jude Law: “He excused his infidelity with a counterattack—Sienna just wasn't fulfilling his needs. He's self-focused, and a lot less strong than we realized.”

3. Orlando Bloom: “It's hard to nail a reason why, but somehow he's just too pretty.”

4. The metro hetero formerly known as P. Diddy: ”However, good news: There's room for him as the uberDiddy, the Donald Trump of the urban scene.”

5. Robbie Williams: “This is an unfortunate punishment for being on an Elton John track.”


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